Deep DIVE engine™

A 360-Degree View of Digital Marketing

Deep DIVE engine

Digital Industry Value & Efficiency

The Deep DIVE Engine™ is an advanced analytics platform designed to empower marketers by providing an exhaustive analysis of a myriad of digital marketing data sources. Leveraging state-of-the-art algorithms, the engine dives deep into the intricacies of paid search, social media engagement, programmatic advertising, display networks, and video marketing. It seamlessly integrates data from various advertising platforms like Google GMP and AdForm, enhancing its analytical depth.

Beyond conventional metrics, the Deep DIVE Engine™ intricately analyzes organic search trends and the ripple effects across organic social channels, offering a 360-degree view of digital presence and influence. It doesn't stop at external data; the platform extends its reach into the technical realm, evaluating the performance of websites, mobile applications, and even the efficiency of marketing AI tools, to provide a comprehensive digital health check.

The core of the Deep DIVE Engine™ is its intelligent algorithms that not only aggregate and analyze data but also interpret complex patterns, predict market trends, and uncover actionable insights. This empowers marketers to make informed decisions, finely tune their digital marketing strategies, and outmaneuver the competition.

The platform’s unique selling point is its ability to offer a holistic understanding of both the visible and underlying factors affecting digital marketing performance. Marketers can now pinpoint the effectiveness of their strategies across all channels, assess the impact of their organic and paid efforts in unison, and optimize their approach based on real-time competitor analysis.

Designed with flexibility in mind, the Deep DIVE Engine™ caters to businesses of all sizes, enabling them to scale their marketing efforts efficiently, reduce wasted ad spend, and significantly improve ROI. Whether you're looking to refine your audience targeting, optimize ad spend across channels, or understand the intricate dynamics between different marketing efforts and their outcomes, the Deep DIVE Engine™ is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of your digital marketing strategy.

A comparable digital ”currency” is created from digital footprints by normalisation, valuation and efficiency scoring in our Deep DIVE analysis engine.

The effects of digital marketing investments gets visualized to give an answer too how channels are linked.

Through scraping from a variety of data sources, large amounts of data are gathered in our proprietary analysis environment, where we use advanced forecasting algorithms to normalize the data and produce robust and reliable comparative values.

"Mathematical Forecasting" refers to algorithms and how the estimates are created. This can be compared to financial and econometric modeling and the use of AI modeling.

The deep DIVE benchmarking database are equivalent to many billions of euros in marketing value. 


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